Use "intuition|intuitions" in a sentence

1. If Conscience simply is the expression of moral intuition, and if individuals have significantly different and irreconcilable moral intuitions, then individuals also have significantly different and difficult-to-reconcile conscientious moral Consciences

2. Her perceptions and intuitions about human nature were fascinating.

3. Conceptualist readings of Kant thus claim that there is a relevant sense in which (i) intuitions have content; (ii) the content of the intuition is conceptual; (iii) it is this conceptual content that constitutes or determines the cognitive relation of the intuition (as a mental state) to a mind-independent object (or in the case of inner sense

4. Adaptationism and intuitions about modern criminal justice Behav Brain Sci

5. Intuition told me you were here.

6. He knew this thing by intuition.

7. ‘a Bergsonian division between intuition and intellect’

8. A woman's intuitions do not ask to have a Cautionary signal repeated

9. Scientists are zeroing in on where intuition comes from, Biologically There’s a complex biological system behind our intuition

10. Strong intuitions of the man assure the mariners he can be no innocent.

11. ‘a Bergsonian division between intuition and intellect’

12. Bergsonian Intuition A Metaphysics of Mystical Life

13. Your intuition might tell you that too.

14. By intuition, he sensed what was wrong.

15. But anyway, college students not here, show systematic biases of incorrect physical intuitions.

16. This agrees with our intuition of Curvature

17. But I still rely on intuition and feeling.

18. This intuition is supported by sentence completion data.

19. To Confute intuitionists and get rid of intuitions was one main purpose of all Mill's speculations

20. Intuition told her that he had spoken the truth.

21. I had an intuition that I would find you.

22. Intuition is a tool essential in my life.

23. Intuition told her it was unwise to argue.

24. Hess's synthesis was a bold stroke of intuition.

25. He was guided by intuition and personal judgement.

26. ‘As we have already suggested, Bergsonian intuition is memory.’

27. Her feminine intuition told her that he was unhappy.

28. A second form of personal thought is intuition.

29. All his reservations were based on intuition, supposition.

30. The intuition behind this result is as follows.

31. He had an intuition there was trouble brewing.

32. Pute optimal Bundlings, and choose a final bundling based on the intuitions gained from this

33. Acts currently represents nearly 8,000 members who are involved in academic intuitions, industry, philanthropic agencies and government

34. Her intuition was telling her that something was wrong.

35. The Alpha level is associated with intuition and ESP.

36. His crazy intuition about New York may be right.

37. But whatever form intuition takes, it is completely reliable.

38. I had a sudden intuition about the missing jewels.

39. It came upon him in a flash of intuition.

40. Many quite fluent Dyirbal speakers simply represented a dead end in that their intuitions could not be accessed.

41. Gnosis expresses the idea of Cognizance by intuition, 771-m

42. ‘As we have already suggested, Bergsonian intuition is memory.’

43. Feeling is based on our intuition, model is based on reason.

44. 24 Here they share an uneasy border with intuition and mystique.

45. Furthermore the sense in which we describe certain dilemmas, impulses, intuitions, or decisions as moral ones is notoriously imprecise.

46. She had an intuition that her mother wasn't very well.

47. An intense discussion broke out about the importance of intuition.

48. Intuition told me we were going in the wrong direction.

49. • The intuitive Biorhythm affects your intuition and the decision making ability

50. Don't underestimate you intuition and gut feelings! Dr T.P.Chia 

51. I had an intuition that we would find them there.

52. The answer came to me in a flash of intuition.

53. I had an intuition that something awful was about to happen.

54. Often our intuition or sixth sense warns us of impending danger.

55. Candlemas is a time on intuition, being almost solely of the feminine

56. Think about this, ever rationality is grounded in a leap of intuition.

57. Nobody told me where to find you. It was sheer intuition.

58. All experts in their fields, Arabesk's "research leaders" combine the diversity of their skills and their intuitions

59. Apophyllite Cluster can help one to increase intuition and connect with guides.

60. She a sceptic and deeper thinker and likes to judge by intuition.

61. With unerring intuition he brought together a remarkable collection of distinguished persons.

62. This method efficiently computes Antilogarithms although requires some intuition to perform efficiently

63. 27 This honour was conferred upon them in intuition to their valor.

64. We can include in this category empathy or intuition, and also telepathy.

65. The ability to form concepts with images of entities and processes pictured by intuition.

66. A feeling or an intuition of what is going to occur ; a presentiment.

67. His professional judgement, on which so much depended, suggested intuition rather than ratiocination.

68. Intuition is what enables a woman size up a situation in a flash of misunderstanding.

69. It was like an intuition; he comprehended it with his clear and sagacious promptitude.

70. 28 There are two respects in which this intuition must be taken more rigorously.

71. Synonyms for Auguration include hunch, feeling, idea, impression, suspicion, inkling, premonition, presentiment, intuition and notion

72. In my intuition, it smells slightly different from the former urban legend, doesn't it?

73. Of the Attune® Knee System family of knee implants with the INTUITION SOLO™ Instrumentation

74. We have very strong intuitions about all kinds of things -- our own ability, how the economy works, how we should pay school teachers.

75. I think this might give you a little intuition, but this isn't a formal solution.

76. Heighten Your Intuition with Albite Albite is type of feldspar which crystallizes in many different colors

77. A leading statesman and presidential aspirant, Clay's political intuition earned him the nickname "The Great Compromiser."

78. "Algebraic topoligy books that emphasize geometrical intuition usually have only a modest technical reach

79. Anaximander's view of the earth is a curious mixture of scientific intuition and primitive theory

80. And this is the great pleasure of science: the defeat of our intuition through experimentation.